We can also import and export our products or products from third parties through our Commercial and Foreign Trade departments. Those who are interested in importing or exporting from anywhere in the world, we can provide full logistics and assistance Products like chemicals, components, machines, parts, molds and accessories for the chemical and food industries have often been shipped to Latin America, Caribbean and Eastern Europe by air or sea, with excellent results.



Use our structure and expertise to export your product or service. We already export ingredients and additives
food, machines, equipment, accessories, filters and others for Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Guyana, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Ecuador , Trinidad & Tobago, Sweden, Romania, Turkey
and South Africa.

Resale to foreign buyers

Has a potential buyer abroad but has no structure to export? We do the whole process for you.

Representation of national suppliers

Need to contact importers interested in your products? Let us represent you and contact buyers for you. We represent food and chemical companies.

Prospecting for potential buyers

We have agents in different parts of the world to offer your products to the most diverse segments.



We solve your difficulties with importing controlled products or with requirements, such as ANVISA's consent, MAP, DECEX or dangerous cargo. We can handle your import from the beginning of the negotiation or even develop suppliers, special products and formulations abroad. We do all the expense forecasting, taxes and determine the final costs. We usually import from China, Germany, Italy, U.S, Peru and India and occasionally from Hong Kong, Israel, Argentina, Chile, Canada, Spain, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Belgium, Austria, France, Netherlands and Denmark.

sell incient

We develop specific suppliers abroad and accompany the entire export process at the source for the products you need directly to your company.

Representation of foreign suppliers

We are representatives of exporters of ingredients and additives such as Wolf Canyon Asia Pacific and PMP Fermentations and we are always open to new partnerships.

Import on account and order

We have partnerships with warehouses, carriers and trading companies for import via Itajaí taking advantage of tax benefits and reducing costs.

Prospecting for potential exporters

We look for the product you need anywhere in the world and help you bring it, including negotiation with exporters.
